Monday, May 26, 2008

Lily Beetles

Good evening from the mountain above Peacham Pond. Not much strength left in me after 12 hours of lugging pots to the truck, from the truck, as we move to our new nursery. About half way done but it seems like a forever thing. Michelle and Mike from down the road volunteered to help today so with their hands and a pickup with a trailer, things went faster. All but a few hundred daylilies have been moved and that's a welcome sight.

I continue to be bothered by the presence of the lily leaf beetle. I wrote about it in the past and much of that has been recreated at the University of Vermont Hort Farm site. I just released a series of pictures on The Vermont Gardener so take a look at the pictures. Once the eggs hatch, this is what you will be looking at:

I am interested in how many of you who enjoy lilies have noticed this beetle in your gardens this year. Please let me know.

From the land of great tiredness,

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener