A beautiful morning at Vermont Flowerless Farm. Today is kind of "the" day of the week with more bad weather moving in Friday night and on into Saturday. In the meantime, the sun rising above frozen Peacham Pond suggests the makings of a beautiful day.
I collect piles of notes of things I want to work into this blog or The Vermont Gardener

One of the things I have had in the pile for almost a month is an announcement from Larry Clarfeld of the North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. Gail and Alex and I met Larry last year at the Jaquith Library here in Marshfield. He was offering a presentation on amphibian monitoring and it was one of the best nature presentations we have heard. We took what we learned and as soon as the snow was gone we headed out at night in search of eastern spotted salamanders and a variety of toads and frogs and other salamanders. I have to admit that I didn't follow through as much as I should have but my observation skills added a new crossing site to Larry's list.

We guarantee you'll enjoy Larry and his work!
Wed. March 19, 6:30pm Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston
Thurs. March 20, 7:00pm Fairbanks Museum, St. Johnsbury
Tues. March 25, 6:30pm Maple Corner, Calais
Wed. March 26, 6:30pm Goddard College, Flanders Building, Plainfield
Thurs. March 27, 6:30pm University of Vermont, 119 Aiken Building, Burlington
Tues. April 1, 6:30pm Lawrence Memorial Library, Bristol
Wed. April 2, 6:30pm Richmond Free Library, Richmond
Thurs. April 3, 6:30pm North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier
Sat. April 19, 11:00am & 1:00pm ECHO Center, Burlington

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where a Pileated Woodpecker is already blasting away on our neighbor's dying sugar maples, somewhat out of cadence with the Downey Woodpecker sitting outside my window and pecking deliberate pecks of suet through half inch hardware cloth. I don't think woodpecker's miss, do you?
George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm